FOSSA 101, Session 10

Thanks, next steps, and checklists

This is the end of “FOSSA 101”. Well done on making it this far!

I hope this was useful. There are many ways to build Learning Things, and every time I worked on a new one, I was excited to see what problems and experiments I will find. I hope that FOSSA helped you find some good problems to fix - and that it gave you an idea on which experiments to use to fix them.

So now what?

I cannot answer this for you, of course. Your learners, your teams, your users - these are the people you should ask. The next step should take you to them - and to their ideas on how to make your Learning Things even better.

But I can leave you with some useful questions. Even better - I can give you a checklist filled with them. No, wait - two checklists! Aren’t you lucky :)

The first checklist is a useful starting point for trying to build a FOSSA Learning Thing from scratch. Good for starting new projects. The second one is about projects and Things you built earlier and want to fix now by making them more FOSSA.

Feel free to mix and match these, use the questions in any order, rewrite, add, remove a question or two… They’re yours to work with, so make them work.

Checklist 1: Building a new FOSSA Learning Thing

    Did you talk about FOSSA with your team?

    Did you make a decision together about which FOSSA experiments to work on?

    Did you check your budgets and timelines - can you afford to work on your FOSSA experiments?

    Did you agree on the objectives and tests for all the FOSSA experiments you’ll work on?

    Did you make changes to your project plans to make the FOSSA versions easier to prepare?

    Did you talk about FOSSA with your authors, suppliers, and partners?

    Did you agree with any sales, marketing or communications people on the best way to talk about your FOSSA versions?

    Did you find all the tools, techniques, documents you need to work on the FOSSA experiments?

Checklist 2: Editing a published Learning Thing to make it FOSSA

    Did you talk about FOSSA with your team?

    Did you agree on which Learning Thing to edit - and why it’s good for a FOSSA approach?

    Did you make a decisions about which FOSSA experiments to work on?

    Did you check your budgets and timelines - can you afford to work on your FOSSA experiments?

    Did you agree on the objectives and tests for all the FOSSA experiments you’ll work on?

    Did you make sure that your FOSSA experiments won’t break anything important in the existing Learning Thing?

    Did you decide on how to connect the FOSSA fixes with the existing Thing? Will they be separate or together?

    Did you make copies of the existing Learning Thing for backup?

    Did you agree on the best way to divide work between the FOSSA fixes and any other fixes?